Sunday, July 7, 2013

Kinky-Love, Kooky-Life !

Welcome to my Blog !

I figure the best thing to do to start this blog is to tell you about myself and what this blog is about. For starters and in a general description, this blog is my life, it is my expression of myself, my family, and anything else that I feel the need to share with you amazing people in the Universe. With that being I guess I should introduce myself and my family, Can I get a Drum Roll Please !





I'm Justin, but I prefer Jay and I'm from Mulberry, Florida. I married my highschool sweetheart, Rachel, in 2006 at the age of 18. We have a daugther, Penelope, who was born in December of 2012.

I have lived in Florida my whole life but have family spread all over the United States and have visited every state on the Eastern Sea Board. I'am currently enrolled in to school for Veterinary Technology which will lead to become a Veterinary Technologist, my dream has also been to work with and save animals, I'm a HUGE animal lover.

I love to read, write, and make others laugh. I new to the blogging world, I spent the last 7 years making videos on Youtube, but have recently give it up to blog, something I feel will fit my lifestyle better.


Rachel is from Teaneck, New Jersey but was born in Queens, New York. She moved to Florida 2001. She is my love.

Rachel and I started off as Best Friends in 11th grade and by the end of the year we were in an on and off again relationship. After time we realized how much love each other and have been together ever since. Rachel has a giving heart and would help anyone, with anything, anytime. She is a Medical Assistant but her dream is to one own and run a Bed and Breakfast.

She loves to spend time with family, go bargin shopping, and worry about money, I had to throw that last one in there.






Penelope was born December 31, 2012.

Penelope is a beautiful blessing that we don't deserve but cherish dearly. Everyday she changes and grows into something even more beautiful.

She loves to get into everything, poo and pee on herself, and slobbering everywhere.


Well that's the family, let's get the blog party started !

1 comment:

  1. I hope you continue this for years to come! It really is a great way to connect with people. Vlogging used to be our thing, but now that we are mommies, this is just more practical!
